Founding Partner-Strom, Inc.

Michael is an American entrepreneur and is quite diverse in his investments and passion. He is an original founder of Strom, Inc. which secured one of the first sets of long-term natural gas export licenses ever issued by the U.S. government. At a time when most companies were not focused on American liquefied natural gas exports, Michael predicted the explosive opportunities in fracking in the USA that would lead to American dominance in the export of natural gas. He researched the existing law and began with his partners to help write one of the first sets of applications for LNG exports. Michael’s other passion is green fuel. His drive is to balance hydrocarbon energy with bioenergy. Michael is successful in building one of the remaining biofuel firms in Florida that export domestically and internationally.

Michael is an American entrepreneur and a co-founder of one of the first companies to receive a natural gas export license from the U.S. Government. Michael led the team of lawyers along with fostering a relationship with the executives with the U.S. Department of Energy to create the environment to secure an LNG export license. Michael is a successful entrepreneur in the renewable energy sector. He is a serial entrepreneur who has successfully started and divested of several businesses. Michael led the negotiations with Duke Energy and Tampa Electric to help secure one of the first LNG licenses for Strom, Inc. He holds a Political Science degree from Clemson University and pursued a degree in Sustainable Management from Prescott College.

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